Yongjia Shengtai Sealed Lock Factory
Address: No.128, Hangguo New village,
Shangtang Town, Yongjia County,
Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Zip code: 325100
Tel: 0577-67239082
Fax: 0577-67239297
Contact: Liao Guosheng
Mobile Phone: 0086-18806873518
Q  Q:55764093  
Website: www.67239082.com

jiangsuS256-Y lead seals

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jiangsuS256-Y lead seals

S256-Y lead seals
1. Product introduction: 
Lead seal is specially customized; it is a device like sealed lock imposed by a particular person after goods loading into the container and properly closes the door.
Lead seals can be divided into customs seals, inspection seals and commercial seals according to different implementers. Once properly locked, the lead seal can not be opened unless by violent destruction (i.e. cut), and it can not be reused after the destruction. Each seal has a unique number. As long as the appearance of a container is complete, the container door is properly closed, and seal is properly sealed, it can prove that the container did not be opened during the transportation, the internal content is responsible by the person when packing.

2. Product function:
Steel-wire seal and high security seal are mostly used on containers, ordinary plastic lead seals and plastic seals are mainly used in logistics, foods, pharmaceutical, chemical and other fields. Double insurance steel-wire seal are mainly used in petroleum, periodic replacement of seal styles and varieties can effectively protect the cargos.

3. Applications:
Seals are used in railway, aviation, oil field, customs, ports, postal and other logistics. It also used in mining, roads, finance, chemicals, petroleum, container, pharmaceutical and other industries. It applies to gas meters, instruments, boxes and so on.

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