Yongjia Shengtai Sealed Lock Factory
Address: No.128, Hangguo New village,
Shangtang Town, Yongjia County,
Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Zip code: 325100
Tel: 0577-67239082
Fax: 0577-67239297
Contact: Liao Guosheng
Mobile Phone: 0086-18806873518
Q  Q:55764093  
Website: www.67239082.com

Why do people choose hi-fi seals

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Why do people choose hi-fi seals

Release date:2014-09-02 00:00 Source:http://www.67239082.com Click:

Why do people choose hi-fi seals
hi-fi seals

      Hi-fi seals in the meter, water meter, the bag bag, ordnance sealing, instrumentation, power supply, gas supply, water supply, military industry, oil transportation, chemical industry, mining, postal, customs, container, railway, finance, foreign trade commodity inspection, product processing, transportation and enterprise product inspection, packaging barrels packaging, energy metering, prevent theft leak sealed and other industries widely used.

Product advantages

Produce lead seal, solid, corrosion resistance and high temperature, easy to lock, good oxidation resistance, easy to use, cheap, etc.

Related Tags:hi-fiseals

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